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Scoring logic

How does scoring on Cimple work? 

As each competition on Cimple is uniquely set up, we have designed a scoring system which can be applied consistently across the platform. 

Our scoring system takes into account the different sections included in each opportunity published on Cimple, the overall weighting assigned to each section (e.g. 50% commercial, 50% quality/technical questions), and the specific weighting assigned to each individually scored question in that section. 

All weightings assigned by the buyer are displayed to suppliers during the application process so they can be guided on the relative importance of each section or question response.

Scoring the SQ

There is no weighting assigned to evaluation of the selection questionnaire on Cimple, instead it will always be reviewed as a pass/fail assessment and used to qualify applicants for further evaluation. 

Based on the answer to section 2 (Mandatory Exclusion Grounds), applicants may be flagged as an automated fail to the evaluators. However, evaluators will always be able to overturn this flag and pass suppliers at their discretion.

Scoring the social value, commercial and technical questions

Questions in this section can be scored as either pass/fail or given a percentage weighting. If the questions have been given a percentage weighting, the scoring is calculated in a two-step process:

Step 1: individual evaluator scores are calculated based on the section weighting. 

Step 2:overall scores are calculated for each section 

Next Step: Award an opportunity to a successful applicant 

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