Help Centre > Manage account & billing > Manage your organisation account

Manage your organisation account

Once signed into Cimple, there are a few key things you have to do. Here, we'll show you how to fill in your organisation info and start on your Standard Selection Questionnaire (SQ). 

If you need to, scroll down to view steps that'll show you how to delete your organisation.

Organisation information

Your organisation information can be updated at any point and we recommend that you keep the information up-to-date on a regular basis. Some of this information will be publicly visible for other organisations on Cimple, so that prospective partners can get a better understanding of your organisation’s service offerings. 

Once in your settings, you will be able to update all details under the organisation info section, such as:

You will also see a section titled 'Billing' in your organisation settings and you can find out some further information on our pricing plans on this page

Once the information has been filled in or updated, make sure to click ‘Save details’.

Curious to see how your profile looks to others? Just search for your organisation to see an overview of your profile.

You can view information on user roles and how to add or update users in an organisation here.


In your settings you will be able to see what plan your organisation is currently signed up to on Cimple - either our free or paid version (currently suppliers are able to access all of Cimple’s features for free).

If you are looking to upgrade your organisation's plan from our free version, get in touch with the Cimple team by contacting us through this link. Once the form is complete, someone will be in touch with you to set up a call within 48 working hours. 

Click here for further information on our current pricing plans and what is included in each tier. 

Organisation SQ

The Standard Selection Questionnaire (SQ) is an important part of your profile, and can be filled in and updated for your organisation at any point by a user with admin or member permission settings. 

If you’re submitting a bid to work with a public sector organisation, an SQ will usually be required. This questionnaire is set by the government and you can find out more information about it using this link.

Note: Rather than completing this for every bid, we've created the ability for you to do this once and save it to your profile so that it can be reused instantly saving you time and effort

Deleting your organisation

If, for whatever reason, you choose to delete your organisation from the Cimple platform, follow the steps below:

Your organisation will now be deleted on Cimple and all data will be deleted from the system. 

Note: You will only be able to delete your organisation if you have admin permissions for your company on Cimple.

Need help? Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.